While reading Power I could not help but see connections between Omishto in this book and Lucy. Both Omishto and Lucy have troubled relationships with their families, and I think they feel out of place and are struggling between two identities.
As we discussed in class, Lucy has a very strained relationship with her mother and her father. In Power, Omishto also speaks of the relationships she has with her family. One passage which gives insight into each member is, "I'm my sister's project. She's always trying to fix me up, but I don't want to look pretty in the house with my mother and stepfather looking at me, his eyes always looking too much in places they don't belong, and my mom jealous like she is being replaced by me and it's all my fault, my design" (7). Clearly her sister and her have different ideas on how they want to appear to others, and Omishto is disturbed by the way her stepfather looks at her. She also believes her mother is a jealous person. She mentions later how her mother is also jealous of her "Aunt" Ama.
Lucy and Omishto both deal with struggle as well. Lucy deals with the struggle of past and present, and Omishto struggles with two different ways of life: tradition or westernized living. Omistho's mother is very much westernized, and her "Aunt" Ama is very traditional although she does not keep the ways completely. Omishto struggles to find which she identifies with more and seems to be in between, just as Lucy struggles by living in a mix of past and present.
Does anyone else notice any other conflicts. Do you think that Omishto deals with her own feelings of displacement? On pages 6 & 7 she discusses continents and the tree from Spain planted there and later how she is her own continent. Do these and the fact that this tree is unrooted in the storm signify these feelings?
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